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FireNet Incident Lifecycle

This graphic shares information about the lifecycle of a FireNet incident, including information about Microsoft (MS) Incident Teams, SharePoint, and Shared Inboxes during the lifecycle.   Beginning of an incident:   Planning Section Chief (PSC), IT Support Specialist (ITSS), or Public Information Officer (PIO) completes Incident Request Form   FireNet Incident Help Desk sets up the MS Incident Team and gives Owner access to the PSC/ITSS/PIO noted on the Incident Request Form   FireNet Incident Help Desk delegates the main Shared Inbox to the PSC/ITSS/PIO noted on the Incident Request Form   MS Incident Team Owners manage the MS Incident Team by adding members and guests   The first Incident Management Team (IMT) on the incident completes the FireNet Incident Account Tracker, at which point it is ready for updates   During an incident:   MS Incident Team   Fully managed by the IMT that is managing the incident   The PSC/ITSS/PIO can add new members or remove members that no longer need access to the MS Team   Shared Inbox Delegation   Delegations are updated in the FireNet Incident Account Tracker   Email should be sent to information of tracker updates   Shared inbox delegations will be removed at the conclusion of the incident unless otherwise requested   Host Unit Contact   Should be updated in the FireNet Incident Account Tracker by the time the last IMT transitions off the incident   Upon roll-off, the final IMT confirms that the incident is transitioning to the host unit by emailing   Post incident:   Host Unit Contact emails to inform that an incident is completed and being transitioned to the Local Dispatching Center   Local Dispatching Center manages the MS Incident Team moving forward. NOTE: If a user is removed from the MS Incident Team and still needs access, the request needs to go through the Local Dispatching Center to regain access   Best Practice:   Once the incident is being managed by the Local Dispatching